Three Sahelian Women Are Prevented By The Catalan Police In Their Excision And Forced Marriage

The circumcision and forced marriage of three women from the Sahel were prevented by the Catalan police

Catalan police prevented the excision and forced marriage of three women from the Sahel, a region of Africa crossed by the Sahara desert. This intervention made it possible to save these women from a tragic destination and to highlight these inhuman practices which unfortunately persist in certain communities.

Female circumcision, also called female genital mutilation, is a traditional practice that involves the partial or total removal of the external genitalia in women. This extremely painful and dangerous procedure has serious consequences on the physical and mental health of the women who are victims of it. Despite international efforts to eliminate it, it is estimated that more than 200 million women and girls have been circumcised worldwide, mainly in Africa.

Forced marriage, on the other hand, is a practice that deprives women of their right to choose their life partner. They are often forced to marry someone they did not choose, often at a young age. This archaic practice is a flagrant violation of human rights and has disastrous consequences on the lives of women who are victims of it, such as early pregnancy and domestic violence.

The Catalan police were alerted to these worrying situations thanks to information provided by local and international organizations fighting against gender-based violence. By acting quickly and effectively, the authorities were able to save these women from the suffering that awaited them and demonstrated their commitment to combating these atrocities.

These exemplary actions must be supported and encouraged. It is crucial that awareness around these practices continues to grow and that concrete measures are taken to eradicate them once and for all. Governments, non-governmental organizations and civil society must work together to end these human rights violations and protect all women and girls everywhere. We cannot remain indifferent to such injustices, and each of us has a role to play in preventing and combating them.

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Mots clés: #Sahelian #Women #Prevented #Catalan #Police #Excision #Forced #Marriage

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