Three suspects arrested for stealing sheep in Jigawa

Three suspects were arrested by the Jigawa State Police Command for stealing sheep in the state. The suspects were identified as Ali Usman, Musa Garba, and Yusuf Ibrahim, all residents of Kirikasamma Local Government Area of the state.

According to the Jigawa State Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Lawan Shiisu, the suspects were apprehended after a report was made by one Alhaji Garba Sa’idu, who claimed to have lost several sheep from his farm. The police immediately launched an investigation into the matter, which led to the arrest of the three suspects.

The suspects admitted to the crime during interrogation and also led the police to the location where they had hidden the stolen sheep. The stolen animals were recovered and returned to the rightful owner.

Sheep stealing has become a major issue in the state, with many farmers losing their livestock to thieves. The arrest of these suspects is a significant breakthrough for the police and a relief for the affected farmers.

The Jigawa State Police Command has warned those involved in criminal activities to desist from such acts, as the command is determined to rid the state of criminal elements. The command also urged residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police for prompt action.

The suspects will be charged to court and prosecuted for their crime. The Jigawa State Police Command has assured the public that they will not relent in their efforts to ensure the safety and security of the state.

It is important for the community to work together with law enforcement to combat crime and ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone. The arrest of these suspects is a testament to the commitment of the Jigawa State Police Command in tackling crime and maintaining law and order in the state.

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