Today’s Info | July 21 – Midday

News of the day | July 21 – Midday

Hello everyone ! Here we are for our news bulletin of the day, on this mid-day of July 21st. Here are the main news making headlines today.

First of all, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to generate concerns. The number of cases continues to rise in some countries, particularly in Asia and South America. In France, the health authorities remain vigilant in the face of a possible fourth wave and encourage the population to be vaccinated. The latest figures show a marked improvement with a significant drop in hospitalizations.

In the field of politics, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, continues his summer tour. After a visit to the Pyrenees last week, he is going to Normandy today to meet maritime professionals. He will also present the measures taken by his government to support the local economy as part of the post-COVID recovery.

In sport, France won its first football match at the Tokyo Olympics last night. The Blues managed a good performance by winning 4-1 against South Korea. The French women’s handball team began its tournament with a victory against Russia. The chances of medals are therefore promising for French athletes.

Finally, in international news, tensions are rising between the United States and China. The two countries accused each other of espionage and demanded explanations following the discovery of several cyberattacks. These events once again jeopardize diplomatic relations between the two powers.

So much for our news bulletin for this mid-day. We look forward to seeing you this evening for a new point on the news. See you soon !

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