Togolese Song Artist Arnold Darcuss Answers Fleur’s Questions

Arnold Dacruss is a Togolese song artist whose musical register is Afrobeat. Author of the recent success title “Bella”, he does not sleep on his laurels and announces the release of a forthcoming single titled “Viens”. Doingbuzz makes you discover even more Arnold Darcuss and career through this exclusive interview

Fleur: Hello Arnold Dacruss, how did you get into music?

Arnold: Hello Doingbuzz! First, thank you for all you do for Togolese showbiz and your support for us artists. To answer your question, I would say that music and me have been a love story since a young age. Indeed, like any good young person of my generation, I was rocked by the US and French hip hop trend for a long time and the recitals in college allowed me to get started in a way. And the rest are the experiences acquired through my visits to a few local studios.

Fleur: You are the kind of artist who sings the woman a lot. Why exactly these themes?

Arnold: Well, since women are a key element of our existence and everything, baah singing them is like giving them back in a way. But I have songs coming that don’t talk about women at all anyway …

Flower: Why Mama bé vi? Why this nickname?

Arnold: The nickname Maman bévi, I got it from my collaboration with my team Maman bévi (Hamzess, Primow, Ghilson, Ernesto) we had released a sound titled “Maman bévi” (mother’s son in French) which spoke of the class to seduce a girl like playing the friqué, mom’s boy and everything…

Fleur: Rumor has it that you are in love with Elisabeth Apampa from Zéphyr radio. True or false?

Arnold: (Laughs) Élisa, whom I salute in passing, is a great friend, a sister and one of the people who have a well-placed view of my career and she encourages me a lot…

Fleur: What are your plans for the 2019 holidays?

Arnold: The plans for this holiday baah, the promotion of my new sound “VIEN” with the launch of the music video in the coming days; there are also plenty of scenes in sight anyway.

Fleur: Do you have any outdoor projects? If so can you tell us more?

Arnold: Yes yes full of projects in sight in the sub-region, starting with Benin, Burkina via Côte d’Ivoire and also there is something planned for Gabon…

Fleur: Shisha/sex/alcohol, which of them you can drop for nothing in the world?

Arnold: I can leave them all if my career should depend on it (hihihi)

Fleur: For those who discover Arnold Dacruss for the first time via this interview, what do you have to say to them?

Arnold: I will tell them to continue supporting me, to believe in me and to support my various past and future projects.

Fleur: A rant at Togolese showbiz.

Arnold: The only thing that breaks my heart are the quarrels and the low blows that we make in the game. We don’t really need it…

Fleur: What does the “Come” clip have in store for us

Arnold: And if we kept the suspense éla nô it’s good alooo??
If not for the Viens clip, I have a lot of surprises in store for the fans. They will still be proud. I’m already bringing the sweetest goddesses from all over the world for the shoot. They come.

Fleur: We are honored to have you interviewed. Do you have any thanks or favourites? We are listening.

Arnold: Once again, my sincere thanks to all the Doingbuzz staff for the work you do for Togolese culture and thank you to all the actors in our showbiz for their support of all kinds. Thank you and thank you for everything.

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Mots clés: #Togolese #Song #Artist #Arnold #Darcuss #Answers #Fleurs #Questions

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