Top 10 African Countries With The Lowest Unemployment Rates, BENIN Leading

Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. Although unemployment in some African countries remains above 25%, overall figures are improving and many believe that Africa’s emerging economies are set to experience rapid growth in the coming years.

Here is a brief overview of some of the countries in Africa with the lowest unemployment rates.

  1. Benign

Benin has 10.6 million inhabitants. The country’s unemployment rate was 2.4% in 2013. In February 2016, the country began construction of its first-ever digital city, Benin Smart City. The project will create 50,000 jobs.

  1. Seychelles

An archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles have a population of around 90,000. The country’s unemployment rate is 2.7%. In 2014, the country passed new regulations to safeguard and create more jobs for its citizens. The aim was also to ensure that the local population did not lack jobs due to the influx of expatriates. In February 2016, the island adopted the 2016-2020 Country Strategy Paper which aims to create more jobs for young people and diversify its economy. There has also been the creation of environmentally friendly jobs in the field of ecotourism and sustainable fishing to increase the number of jobs in the country.

  1. Rwanda

Rwanda has 11.34 million inhabitants. The unemployment rate is one of the lowest in Africa, at 3.4%. About 60% of the labor force has more than one job. Young people occupy jobs centered on agricultural professions. More women than men work and the employment rate is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. The government has set itself the goal of ensuring an increase in income from agricultural products such as coffee and tea. Through Rwanda’s National Employment Policy, the government aims to create 20,000 jobs per year. About 70% work in agriculture.

  1. Ghana

A major African cocoa producer, the country has approximately 27.2 million inhabitants. His unemployment rate is around 5.20%. In May 2015, Microsoft and the International Institute of Communication and Development, a non-profit organization, launched a platform called TizaaWorks. The aim of the project is to equip graduates and school leavers with the right skills for different sectors of the nation. The government has established the National Youth Service for university graduates and the National Youth Employment Program to help unemployed people find jobs.


Located in the Indian Ocean, the country has 1.3 million inhabitants. In 2015, the unemployment rate was 7.80%. The government has diversified its economy to reduce its overreliance on its main source of income, tourism. More emphasis has been placed on the sugarcane and service industries. The government has launched initiatives aimed at creating 15,000 jobs per year. The Labor Code has been amended to protect employees.

  1. Algeria

The country’s unemployment rate was 11.20% in 2015. In 2013, the government adopted a policy, the “Marshall Plan”, which required companies to hire workers on their sites. Under this plan, recruitment of workers from other localities was only done if the locals did not have the skills required for the jobs.

Young entrepreneurs and unemployed people who want to start their own business can get interest-free loans under this scheme. Ministries and state parastatals have been advised to award subcontracts to premises that are in the microenterprise.

  1. Egypt

Egypt is one of Africa’s leading oil exporters. The country’s unemployment rate is 12.77%. The government launched projects in December 2012 to create 750,000 jobs through micro-projects and youth employment. It has also concluded 21 agreements with China in the energy, banking and infrastructure sectors which will create more jobs. An online taxi call service, Uber provides 2,000 jobs per month.

  1. Tunisia

It is one of the major economies in North Africa. Its unemployment rate is 15.4%. The country has a Green Jobs Platform, funded by the Middle East and North Africa Transition Fund through the Islamic Development Bank, for an amount of 3.8 million of dollars. The project aims to create jobs for university graduates in the North African country. At least 50 start-ups have been created and the Tunisian Solidarity Bank is financing individuals with at least $35,000.

  1. Zambia

Zambia has a population of 13 million. Its unemployment rate is 14.1%. About 9.2 million people live in poverty. The government has established technical and vocational training schools to help Zambians acquire the necessary skills and enable school leavers to pursue training in different sectors. This includes both formal and informal sector employment.

The National Action Plan for Youth Employment has also been set up to develop frameworks for monitoring young people and creating better jobs. Donor communities have also helped. A project, Youth Skills Enterprise Initiative, aimed at providing young Zambians with capital and opportunities has been set up.

  1. Botswana

Botswana has a population of around two million people. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The unemployment rate is around 18%. The government increased its exports of goods and services by 7.2% in 2015. It has also put in place initiatives to combat unemployment. These include Ipelegeng, a project that employs unskilled people, livestock management and infrastructure development, and the Integrated Support Program for Arable Crop Development.

Photo credit: africacheck

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