UN MOCIR Recruits 01 Coordinator, Program Manager

One People – One Goal One Faith

The National Unit for the Implementation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (UN MOCIR) informs that the 2019 deadline has been extended until Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 4 p.m.
recruitment of the UNMOCIR Head of Program Coordinator, initially scheduled for Wednesday, July 03 In this perspective, applications can be submitted according to the recruitment notice below.


The Integrated Framework is an international initiative that was launched in October 1997 at a high-level meeting organized by the WTO on integrated measures for the development of the trade of least-developed countries (LDCs). It is the fruit of the collaboration of six (6) international institutions which are the World Bank, the ICC, the UNCTAD, the IMF, the WTO and the UNDP.

It aims to mainstream trade into national development plans of LDCs, contribute to the coordinated delivery of trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) in response to needs identified by LDCs, and develop the capacity of LDCs to trade. , including through capacity building while addressing supply-side constraints.

As part of the effective implementation of this program, the Ministry of Trade and SMEs (MCPME) is recruiting a Coordinator of the National Unit for the Implementation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (UNMOCIR).

1. Title: Coordinator, Program Manager
Under the direct supervision of the Focal Point (FP) of the RO, the Coordinator will be primarily responsible for administering UNMOCIR. He will lead the Unit and be responsible for the execution of all the tasks assigned to it and described in the work plan. He will report to the EIF Focal Point on all matters relating to the functioning of UNMOCIR.

The Coordinator will:
• manage UNMOCIR and its resources in accordance with the guidelines of the National Steering Committee and the procedures of the Government of Senegal, the Compendium and the project MoUs as approved by the RO Board;

• coordinate and guide the EIF process including facilitating day-to-day collaboration between the ministries responsible for trade, finance, development and planning and other ministries and institutions dealing with commerce, such as the chamber of commerce, as well as the private sector and civil society

• ensure close collaboration with the Executive Secretariat, DF and EIF Participating Organizations in the formulation and evaluation of project proposals under Category 1 and Category 2, as well as other TRTA-related activities , as needed ;

• coordinate the implementation of Category 1 and 2 projects, prepare reports on the progress of projects financed by the OR and communicate additional information if necessary according to the requests or needs of the SE and the GFAS;

• ensure collaboration with all interested stakeholders and partners to promote and facilitate the inclusion of a trade mainstreaming strategy and its priorities in national development plans, as well as in implementation strategies. line ministries and the national budget;

• assist the PF in implementing the program aimed at strengthening the country’s production and trade capacities;

• ensure the fiduciary compliance of projects implemented by UNMOCIR with the fiduciary rules of the programme;

• perform multi-year planning functions and prepare a detailed annual operational plan and budgeting for the implementation of EIF directions and projects, on behalf of all stakeholders;

• Actively participate in research and Resource Mobilization for the CIR program in Senegal;

• Manage resources and materials to improve communication between the Unit and various EIF stakeholders;

• prepare reviews and reports on the execution of the CIR program.


– hold a university degree at BAC+5 level in economics, management, law, international trade, advanced public administration or any other degree deemed equivalent.

Professional experiences :
– justify an experience of at least seven (7) years in the field of International Trade and issues relating to the multilateral trading system, hence project management, including in the administration and management of related technical cooperation Trade;
– have a good knowledge of trade issues, the rules of the multilateral trading system and the issues of trade negotiations (Doha cycle, EPA, etc.);
– be able to follow and analyze issues related to trade and development as well as the challenges arising therefrom;

– demonstrate proven experience of at least five (5) years in project management as well as project formulation and monitoring capacities;

– have good computer skills
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, knowledge
project management software would be an asset);

– Fluency in English is a considerable asset.

– Have self-control;
– Have an ability to work in a team;
– Have strong interpersonal skills;
– Be independent ;
– Being able to develop initiatives;
– Be able to work under pressure;
– English language skills are an asset.

The application file must consist of the following documents:
– A request addressed to the Minister of Trade and SMEs;
– A cover letter ;
– A dated and signed curriculum vitae;
– Certified copies of diplomas;
– The contact details of three people to contact if necessary on the skills and professional abilities of the candidate.

Submission of files and deadline
Persons interested in this notice are requested to submit their application files in a sealed envelope.

The deadline for receipt of applications is set no later than Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.

Recruitment will be done by pre-selection on file, followed by an interview with a jury.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The MCPME reserves the right not to act on this notice.

The Focal Point-of the Enhanced Integrated Framework

Mots clés: #MOCIR #Recruits #Coordinator #Program #Manager

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