Understand Everything About Its Validity And Renewal

MD: Find out everything you need to know about the validity of a driving licence: duration, renewal, procedures. Don’t take any risks, get informed and be ready to drive legally.

What you need to know about the validity of the driving license

The driving license is an essential document to be able to circulate freely at the wheel of a vehicle. Whether it’s the old cardboard pink licenses or the new “credit card” format, the question of validity is crucial for drivers. In this article, you will find what you need to know about the validity of your driving licence, from the Highway Code to the different stages of the theoretical and practical exam.

The Highway Code: the basis of the validity of the driving license

The Highway Code is a set of rules that govern road traffic in France. In particular, it defines the conditions for issuing, suspending, canceling and withdrawing driving licenses. Compliance with the Highway Code is therefore essential to maintain a valid license and avoid criminal penalties.

To obtain a driving licence, it is necessary to pass the theoretical exam, better known as the “code”. This exam tests candidates’ knowledge of road safety, regulations and road signs. To effectively revise the Highway Code, see the page https://www.stych.fr/code-de-la-route. It is an affordable and flexible method that relies on the use of digital tools.

Once the theoretical exam has been passed, the candidate has a period of 5 years to pass the practical driving test. After this period, he will have to retake the examination of the code to obtain a new authorization.

The validity of the driving license according to the categories

In France, the validity period of the driving license depends on the category of vehicle you are authorized to drive. Different categories of permits are available, each associated with a specific type of vehicle:

  • A for motorcycles;
  • B for light vehicles (cars and vans);
  • C for heavyweights;
  • D for public transport (buses and coaches);
  • E with an additional letter (A, B, C or D) for vehicles with trailer.

For categories A and B, the cardboard pink driving licenses are valid until 2033. For holders of a new license in “credit card” format, the period of validity extends over 15 years. On the other hand, for categories C, D and E, the validity is 5 years, renewable under certain medical conditions.

The point-based license system was introduced in France in 1992. Each holder of a driving license has an initial capital of 12 points, which can be reduced in the event of a violation of the Highway Code. Some offenses result in the loss of a variable number of points, up to 6 points for the most serious.

In case of loss of all the points, the driving license is automatically invalidated. To recover it, you have to wait a period of six months and retake the theoretical and practical exam. In addition, a road safety awareness course allows you to recover up to 4 points, within the limit of the initial capital of 12 points.

Driving license renewal

The renewal of the driving license is compulsory when it expires or in the event of a change of marital status. The renewal period varies according to the categories:

  • For categories A and B: every 15 years for new permits in “credit card” format;
  • For categories C, D and E: every 5 years, subject to meeting the required medical conditions.

It is also possible to request a duplicate of your driving license in the event of loss, theft or damage. This procedure must be carried out with the prefecture or on the website of the National Agency for Secure Documents (ANTS).

The French driving license is recognized in all member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). However, outside this area, its validity varies by country. It is therefore recommended to check with the local authorities or the embassy before driving abroad.

Finally, it should be noted that the international driving license may be required to drive in certain countries outside the EEA. This is a document translating the information contained on your national license and thus facilitating its reading by foreign authorities.

In summary, the validity of the driving license depends on several factors such as compliance with the Highway Code, the capital of points, the category of the vehicle and the period of validity. It is essential to remain informed and vigilant about these elements in order to maintain a valid license and avoid criminal penalties.

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