United States : a church open to gay celebrations struck down and burned (video)

On Friday, June 2nd, a church located in the state of Massachusetts, United States, and involved in the celebration of gay pride and same-sex weddings was struck by lightning and set on fire. The incident occurred around 3:00 PM, according to local media reports.

Eyewitness testimonies gathered at the scene suggest that a storm caused the appearance of a “flaming sword” that pierced the sky above the chapel, resulting in its partial destruction.

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USA: a church open to gay celebrations struck down and burned

Shocking images captured the flames engulfing the First Congregational Church in Spencer, a town located approximately 60 miles west of Boston. The fire rapidly spread throughout the building, with witnesses on-site expressing their horror as the bell tower collapsed before their eyes.

Fortunately, no one was present at the time of the incident, and no casualties have been reported by local authorities. According to sources such as the Boston Globe, this Protestant church, built in 1863, was constructed after a previous fire devastated a place of worship dating back to 1772, which was located on the same geographical site.

The pastor in charge of the religious site, whose congregation is estimated to consist of about thirty individuals, stated that it is still too early to determine whether the church can be rebuilt following the damages caused by this tragic incident that has affected their community.

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