United States: Joe Biden falls on stage during a military ceremony in Colorado Springs (video)

During a military ceremony held on Thursday in Colorado Springs, President Joe Biden, aged 80, and a candidate for reelection in 2024, experienced a seemingly minor fall.

While presenting diplomas to students at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado, the Democrat stumbled forward after tripping over a black bag on stage. However, with immediate assistance, he quickly regained his footing and appeared unaffected by the incident.

United States: Joe Biden falls on stage during a military ceremony in Colorado Springs

Critics of the President never miss an opportunity to question his physical condition and his ability to seek a second term due to his advanced age. This recent fall is likely to fuel speculations surrounding his physical and mental capabilities as the presidential elections approach in three years.

The White House has not yet released an official statement regarding this incident, nor specified if it could have any consequences for the American head of state. However, back in February, medical results confirmed that Joe Biden was in good health despite his advanced age.

→ READ ALSO : United States: Joe Biden falls on stage during a military ceremony in Colorado Springs (video)

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