United States : Three American teenagers arrested for killing and eating a swan

During the extended Memorial Day weekend in the United States, the Syracuse Police Department reported that a group of three young individuals stole and consumed a swan, mistaking the bird for a duck.

The teen@gers, aged between 16 and 18, were arrested for vandalism and theft after killing a female swan named Faye, who was well-known in that specific region of Syracuse.

United States : Three American teenagers arrested for killing and eating a swan

Eman Hussan, a teenager, and his two friends arrested in Syracuse, New York, for killing and eating the city’s swan and stealing its 4 babies.”

While the swanlings were unharmed in this unfortunate incident, their mother was not as fortunate. The family, along with their friends, consumed the swan without realizing that it was not a wild animal but rather a property belonging to the village of Manlius. Swans have been considered significant symbols in this community since their arrival in the early 20th century on the local ponds.

United States : Three American teenagers arrested for killing and eating a swan

Mayor Paul Whorrall expressed his regret over this tragic event, stating, “It’s sad,” and also adding, “It feels like we’ve lost a family member.” American politician Jack Posobiec posted a video on his Twitter account showing the arrest of one of the suspects.

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