Urban Refugees (UR) Recruits Secretary / Board Member (volunteer)

Urban Refugees (UR) recruits 01 Secretary / board member (volunteer)

Who are we?

URBAN REFUGEES (UR) is a small French NGO whose mission is to support initiatives led by refugees themselves in urban areas, mainly in southern countries: www.urban-refugees.org

Although these initiatives, implemented by self-help groups created and led by refugees, are often very effective, sustainable and inexpensive, they are little recognized and little supported due to the lack of necessary structuring.

To remedy this, UR has set up: 1/ an incubation program through which we provide technical (in the form of training) and financial support to refugee self-help groups; 2/ an advocacy strategy to have these groups recognized as key actors in humanitarian responses; and 3/ a program for sharing good practices to improve support for refugee populations in cities.

UR is currently operating in Kampala, Uganda after a first successful pilot incubation program in Malaysia. Before starting a scaling up phase via a spin-off strategy, UR intends to test the incubation program in at least 3 to 4 other countries while carrying out advocacy activities.


URBAN REFUGEES is now looking for its secretary to join the office of the association. Like all association secretaries, he/she will be in charge of ensuring the administrative and legal tasksnamely essentially the correspondence of the association, to establish convocations and minutes of meetingsas well as holding the various registers and archives. This is a key position.

More specifically, he/she will be in charge of:

  • Process mail
  • List all members (surname, first names, contact details, etc.)
  • Write information notes for members;
  • Declare to the prefecture the list of office members as well as any modification that occurs in the life of the association (transfer of the head office, change of manager, etc.);
  • Publish in the official journal — within the time limits set — the amendments to the articles of association;
  • Organize and plan meetings: general meetings, board of directors, steering committee, office;
  • Inform all members of the holding of a meeting within a reasonable time (by post, by posting or by email);
  • Ensure compliance with the established agenda and the time allotted to each point discussed;
  • Write meeting minutes;
  • Maintain all association records.
Candidate’s experience / training Person with the following qualities:

  • Organized: the regular keeping of the association’s mandatory documents requires rigor
  • Having a real appetite for administrative tasks
  • Diplomat: he.she ensures good relations between the leaders and the members
  • Open and communicative: he/she must also have good editorial skills
  • Interested in the question of refugees with a real desire to contribute to this cause
  • Aligned with UR’s key values ​​(benevolence, trust, efficiency and commitment)
  • Available for 1 to 2 days per month

It should be noted that the function of secretary of an association is not compatible with certain functions: military, auditor, certain civil servants and parliamentarians (senator, deputy, etc.).

Mots clés: #Urban #Refugees #Recruits #Secretary #Board #Member #volunteer


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