USA: Long Island killer arrested thanks to DNA taken from his pizza crusts

In a case that made headlines in the United States, the Long Island killer was finally arrested, thanks to intriguing evidence – DNA taken from his pizza crusts. This arrest highlights the importance of DNA technology in criminal investigations, as well as its potential use in other unsolved cases.

To understand the case, let’s go back. Since 2010, the community of Long Island, located in New York State, had been traumatized by the discovery of human remains near a highway. Over the years more remains were found, which eventually led to the discovery of a suspected serial killer.

For years, investigators searched for clues to identify the killer. However, despite their best efforts, they were unable to put him behind bars. However, by analyzing evidence collected from crime scenes, they were able to obtain bits of DNA that did not match any profile in their national database. It was then that the investigators decided to follow another lead.

In a last ditch hope of locating the killer, authorities began taking DNA samples from within a five-mile radius of the crime scenes. That’s how they discovered an intriguing lead – pizza crusts from a local restaurant. These scabs contained small amounts of DNA belonging to an unknown person.

Armed with these samples, investigators conducted a thorough investigation to identify the person who had left this DNA on the pizza crusts. Thanks to surveillance cameras, they were able to trace the movements of a man, who turned out to be a former restaurant employee. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together.

The suspect was arrested and subjected to a DNA test, which ultimately confirmed that his profile matched that found at the crime scene. At present, he is devastated by this arrest and is awaiting trial to answer for his actions.

This case highlights the importance of DNA technology in criminal investigations. Thanks to a simple crust of pizza, the investigators were able to find a suspected murderer, breaking a long stalemate in their investigation. It also highlights the need for a comprehensive DNA database that can match unknown profiles and help identify criminals.

The arrest of the Long Island killer could also pave the way for new leads in other unsolved cases. Investigators could now review evidence and search for DNA matches, potentially solving unsolved crimes and bringing long-awaited justice to families of victims.

Ultimately, this case reminds us of the importance of DNA technology in criminal investigations. Advances in this technology have led to new evidence and the identification of suspected criminals, giving hope to victims and their families. With these advanced tools, justice can prevail and the guilty can be brought to justice, regardless of how long it has been since their crimes.

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Mots clés: #USA #Long #Island #killer #arrested #DNA #pizza #crusts

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