Vano Baby Womanizer? Beninese star responds to criticism

During a live session on TikTok with Admiral and other artists like Axel Meryl and Richard Flash, Beninese rapper Vano Baby opened up about personal aspects of his life and career. This show provided a platform to openly discuss the challenges faced by artists in the showbiz in Benin face, including attacks, harassment and defamation on social media.

A well-known franchise

Vano Baby once again showed candor in this live session, a characteristic that is familiar to him. The discussion touched on the difficulties faced by artists in the Beninese entertainment industry, highlighting the challenges they face, including criticism and rumours.

READ ALSO: Interview: Vano Baby answers questions from Fleur.

This discussion comes in a context where Vano has recently been at the center of a controversy. The Beninese rapper is accused of having romantic relationships with certain tiktokteuses, names having circulated on social networks. His frank and unequivocal reaction demonstrates his willingness to face these allegations with confidence and determination.

Vano Baby resilient in the face of media storms

Despite the attacks and the controversies, Vano demonstrates that he is ready to face the challenges of the media. Her resilience and mental strength are key assets in her determination to pursue her artistic career despite the obstacles.

READ ALSO: Vano Baby: Appeal from the Beninese artist for the help of the population

“You insult me, I insult you. Take out the files myself I like scandals. If we pull out a file and say that Vano slept with a boy, that’s something you pulled out that’s strong because I’m not prepared for that. But if it’s girls get everything out. They say I took someone’s panties off and it’s a woman, what’s more normal, I’m a boy. When I see these social media controversyit does absolutely nothing to me, I love scandals because I am prepared for that psychologically and in all senses of the theme, “said Vano Baby.

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Mots clés: #Vano #Baby #Womanizer #Beninese #star #responds #criticism

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