Wagner’s Warlord Is Reportedly Alive

Russia has been in turmoil since the recent events surrounding Évgeniy Prigozhin, known as “Wagner’s warlord” and known to be close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The murky circumstances of his “alleged” death continue to spark speculation and questioning within the nation.

According to some circulating reports, Prigozhin narrowly escaped a plane crash near Moscow and is currently in exile in Venezuela. However, the details surrounding this event remain unclear and controversial. Russian political analyst Dr. Valery Solovey puts forward a theory that Prigozhin is on the island of Margarita in the Caribbean, away from prying eyes. It is crucial to note that these claims have yet to be independently confirmed..

Read also: Yevgeny Prigojine: Secret burial of Wagner’s boss

Plane crash riddle and secret deal for his safety

Mystery also hangs over the circumstances of the alleged plane crash. According to Solovey, Prigozhin was warned in advance of the impending crash and thus avoided boarding the aircraft. This version contradicts previous information which suggested that Prigozhin perished in the accident.

Solovey also puts forward the idea that an agreement was reached between Prigozhin, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, and Vladimir Putin himself, guaranteeing Prigozhin’s safety. According to this theory, Prigozhin could be allowed to return to Russia after Putin’s death, in order to lead a force of Wagner mercenaries.

Speculation, no confirmation

It is essential to emphasize that these claims remain highly speculative and unconfirmed. Ukrainian military intelligence has raised the possibility that Prigozhin is still alive, but no official confirmation has been provided so far.

Russia maintains a level of secrecy surrounding the Embraer plane crash, classifying the matter as “secret” and tightly controlling information released to the media. The mystery therefore persists as to the real fate of Evgeniy Prigozhin and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

This case raises important questions about its possible implications for Russian politics and national security. However, for now, it remains shrouded in mystery. Future developments may shed light on this intriguing situation.

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