Why do some women have beards?

We are not going to hide it, many are those who make a face of unearthed when they discover hairs on the chin of a woman. And the latter are themselves completely obsessed with it to the point of having recourse to several stratagems to avoid having it. But what is the cause of this phenomenon?

Not everyone is lucky enough to be a hot girl with an almost perfect body. One of the clichés partly accentuated by the ”stars” in our society today is that women must always have soft skin, in this case the face, so it’s no luck for those who have chin hair. This strange phenomenon of bearded women never ceases to amaze us.

But where does this phenomenon come from and what can women do to eradicate it? The Wanda Team has looked into these questions and we will answer you right away!

There are 2 types of pathologies that can lead to excessive hairiness

The first is hypertrichosis: This is the symptom of a hormonal imbalance manifested by excess hair in skin areas, which are usually already hairy.

Heh heh gentlemen! Know that hypertrichosis affects both men and women, and happens to be hereditary! Special dedication to the “hairy”! Sometimes the excess is such that an affected person may go so far as to shave several times a day. Oh there ! It must be really painful.

The second is hirsutism: It is excessive hairiness in women, in androgen-dependent skin areas, that is to say areas where hairiness should normally only exist in men. Example: upper lip, neck, chin. The hair system of women then works like that of men. Women with hirsutism still constitute 5% to 15% of the female population. Wandayance!

What can women do against these pathologies?

SOS eradication! Fortunately for them, many methods exist to put an end to the hair invasion. If the cause is clearly identified, it suffices to make it disappear to put an end to the ordeal. If, on the contrary, it is not detected, there are always solutions such as depilatory creams for the face, depilatory wax, discoloration or (take out the do!) laser hair removal! What celebrations.

Well, and if not, why not just accept these hairs and live with them?

And you, what solutions do you offer to these ladies who have beards?

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Mots clés: #women #beards

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