World Vision Recruits 19 Supervisors

World Vision recruits 19 Supervisors

Lead and support the communities of the assignment site in carrying out activities to restore degraded land, create natural assets, conduct market gardening, income-generating activities, support for the organization of food distributions and Cash, as well as educational and nutritional activities.

Main responsibilities

Guide and supervise the beneficiaries in the restoration activities and the development of degraded lands

Guide and monitor beneficiary communities in the production of in situ forest nurseries,

Monitor the operation of market gardening sites and supervise beneficiaries for optimal production of market gardening products.

Ensure, with the support of the beneficiary community, the organization of distribution perimeters in accordance with the norms and standards of accountability and protection of beneficiaries in terms of the distribution of “food & cash”.

Ensure integrated monitoring and collection of data relating to income-generating activities (groups, units, fattening, CBs, hay management, etc.)

Monitor and collect data from the activities of the Nutritional Improvement and Recovery Centers (FARN),

Ensure the follow-up and the mobilization of the communities in favor of the schooling of the children,

Ensure any desired communication between World Vision and the beneficiary communities,

Monitor and ensure the sustainability of project actions in the communities

Demonstrate initiative for good ownership of actions for the resilience of beneficiary communities,

Establish effective systems to maintain optimal and efficient progress of activities on his assignment site,

Ensure ongoing monitoring and support to communities with a view to boosting their livelihoods,

Develop and submit in time, activity reports and any other situation requested by his supervisor,

Maintain holy bonds with respect to the community, in accordance with World Vision’s Safeguarding and Accountability Policy,

Training and Experience

Have at least the BEPC level.

Justify at least one (1) year of experience in a similar position or in community mobilization,

Knowledge, Skills and Competencies

Experience in food assistance, rural development, means of subsistence, market gardening, supervision of AGR groups and management of forest nurseries.

Excellent oral and written expression skills in Hausa and French

Know how to drive a KASEA motorcycle and have an A or B driving licence.

read also: BEFEN is recruiting one (01) Mental Health Technician

Very strong commitment to the values ​​and Vision of World Vision including the ability to work with children,

Have the ability and commitment to live within communities (duty station)

Applications should be made online via the World Vision jobs site: no later than August 31, 2023.

Composition of the file: an up-to-date CV (indicate at least two of your most recent professional references with their surname & first name, email addresses and telephone contacts) and a cover letter

World Vision guarantees equal opportunities for all. Applications from women and people with disabilities are strongly encouraged.

Only selected candidates will be contacted.

NB: World Vision is a child-focused organization, therefore any application form implies a commitment to respect the child and adult beneficiary safeguard policy adopted by the institution. Also any history (action, co-action, or complicity) relating to violence against children or ill-treatment inflicted on a child is a cause for the systematic rejection of the file of the candidate in question.

World Vision

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