“You Rejoice As If You’ve Never Seen A Bridge”

Cameroon, a neighboring country of Côte d’Ivoire, is known for its economic dynamism and its relatively developed infrastructure. Indeed, the country has many modern bridges that facilitate travel and contribute to economic development. However, it would seem that some Cameroonians are not so impressed with the infrastructure in Ivory Coast, especially the famous Alassane Ouattara Bridge, located in Abidjan.

In a recent statement, a Cameroonian scolded the Ivorians saying: “You are jubilant as if you have never seen a bridge”. This sentence, loaded with sarcasm, aroused controversy and the reaction of Ivorians, who felt insulted by this remark coming from a neighboring country. But what could push this Cameroonian to take such a position?

First of all, it is important to point out that Cameroon has a relatively developed road network, with many modern bridges throughout the territory. These infrastructures have been built over the years and have facilitated economic exchanges and travel in the country. Thus, the Alassane Ouattara Bridge, which connects the communes of Marcory and Treichville to Abidjan, does not necessarily constitute a major innovation for Cameroonians accustomed to this type of infrastructure.

On the other hand, for Ivorians, the Alassane Ouattara Bridge is of great symbolic and economic importance. It is the longest cable-stayed bridge in West Africa, with its 1,658 meters in length. This makes it possible to bypass the Ébrié lagoon and relieve road traffic in the Ivorian economic capital.

In addition, the construction of this bridge has contributed to the development of the lagoon area of ​​Abidjan by connecting it to other areas of the city. It has also made it possible to facilitate access to the industrial zones located south of Abidjan, thus promoting trade and the economic development of the region. For Ivorians, the Alassane Ouattara Bridge therefore represents a strong symbol of modernity and economic development.

It is understandable that some Cameroonians may be less impressed with this infrastructure, given the experience they have with similar bridges in their country. However, it is important to remember that everyone must respect the progress made by other countries and avoid any form of denigration.

The construction of modern infrastructure is a major challenge for the development of Africa. African countries must inspire each other and work together to improve the living conditions of their people. The comments made by this Cameroonian are not a reflection of the entire Cameroonian population, but recall the importance of cooperation and mutual respect between African countries.

It’s time to put rivalries aside and celebrate the advances each country has made in infrastructure. Bridges, whether in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire or elsewhere, represent connections between peoples and are symbols of progress and development. It is therefore better to emphasize cooperation and respect, rather than gloating or scolding other countries for their achievements.

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Mots clés: #Rejoice #Youve #Bridge

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